Why do I have to fill out a membership form?

The DIM BioConvS has initiated a mapping project of the network in the fields of biotherapies, bioproduction, and synthetic biology in the Île-de-France region. It is essential for the progress of our initiatives to identify all the actors in the sector, their research themes, and their approach to innovation. That's why, starting from January 2024, we will progressively ask all teams applying for funding (including those who have already received it and are registered in our previous initiatives and calls for projects) to formally join our network through this form.

Given the extensive scope of BioConvS, this form is also a way for us to understand where your lab fits in the areas that interest us, and for you, it is a means to determine if your project is eligible. The BioConvS team will review the forms and will send you a letter confirming your membership as soon as possible if your research topics align with our themes.

It is necessary to submit the form before the deadline of the call, but please note that the response letter will arrive with a few days or weeks of delay. This does not hinder your application.

Who should write the reference letter for the candidate?

The candidate's file must include their one-page CV, a cover letter and a reference letter (all in a single pdf file). The reference letter cannot be written by the researchers submitting the project. The letter should be written by a previous supervisor, who supervised the candidate during an internship preferably. If the candidate has only completed internships with the project leaders, we may accept a letter from a university supervisor who knows the candidate well in an academic context.

When can the selected candidate's contract start?

A grant notification will be sent in July and the steps to start a grant transfer agreement between Université Paris Cité (manager of the DIM BioConvS) and the beneficiary organization will begin as quickly as possible. To give the administrative services of Université Paris Cité and the beneficiary organization time to edit and sign the agreement, we ask that the doctoral contract start no earlier than November 2024. In addition, to respect the deadline of the DIM subsidy imposed by the Ile-de-France Region, the contract must start no later than December 2024.

How to submit a project

At the request of the Ile-de-France Region and for the protection of your data, the DIM BioConvS relies on the sciencescall.org portal to manage call submissions. To be able to submit a project, it is first necessary to create your profile at the following address on sciencesconf.org (sciencescall is the version of sciencesconf.org for the management of grant calls. Both are managed by the CCSD (Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe) of the CNRS):


You can then check this short video which will guide you through the submission process.


I ran into a bug in your platform

Please contact us immediately (bioconvs2023-equip@sciencesconf.org) and describe the issue. If we cannot solve it, we'll tell you to contact the technical support platform (contact@sciencesconf.org).

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