How to apply

Please read the following instructions carefully.

Project eligibility criteria

Any leader of a research team located in Île-de-France who has submitted an application for membership in the DIM BioConvS can apply. The submitted project must be in accordance with the themes and objectives of the DIM BioConvS. The DIM will only finance projects involving collaboration between at least two teams including an academic partner who is the leader and submits the project; one or more other partners, academic or from the private sector, may participate in the project. The lead researcher coordinates the project. A researcher can only participate in one project under this call, either as a coordinator or as a partner. The presentation of an identified candidate profile is mandatory to apply for this call.

Only laboratories associated with the DIM BioConvS are eligible for this call. From January 2024, it is obligatory for any laboratory to submit the DIM BioConvS membership application form which you can find at this link:

>> Join the DIM BioConvS <<

It is necessary to submit the membership application before the call deadline. The DIM BioConvS team will inform you of the outcome of your membership request as soon as it is processed.

  Please note: Projects presented by laboratories which have already benefited from a DIM BioConvS grant in 2023 will not be given priority in this call for projects.

Candidate Eligibility Criteria

It is necessary to have an identified candidate to apply for this call for projects. The candidate must hold at least a Master 2, or qualification equivalent to bac+5, or have validated this qualification before a date compatible with registration in doctoral school for the year 2024-2025. The candidate must provide proof of registration in a doctoral school in the Ile-de-France region before September 1, 2024 if the project is accepted.

Please note: taking into account the agreement times, the thesis contract must start between November and December 2024.


PhD fellowship details

The call will make it possible to finance four doctoral grants of €130,000 over three years (gross salary charged), as well as an additional envelope of €5,000 of complementary costs for a total of €135,000 per grant.

The complementary costs constitute an envelope to be spent for the benefit of the doctoral student either on dissemination/conferences, or on training, or to recruit trainees related to the subject of the thesis. If the doctoral student wishes to recruit interns from his additional envelope, he undertakes to publish the internship offer on the platform according to the terms which will be communicated to him by the manager of the DIM BioConvS.


Application process and selection

The application form, as well as the project presentation document, can be downloaded from the platform using the templates that you can find on the left of this page (under the Navigation menu > Templates to download). Please only use downloadable templates (.docx files) to apply.

1. Online project submission (deadline April 22, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.). The Principal Investigator must submit the following documents:

  • Mandatory application form (includes general information, project summary), based on the available template (do not modify the structure of the template). To download in the “Appendices” section. Accepted file type: .docx
  • Description of the project (according to the model available). Accepted file type: .pdf
  • For the two main researchers, 2-page CVs, highlighting the 5 most significant publications. To upload in the “Appendices” section. Type of files accepted: .pdf
  • For the candidate for the thesis scholarship, one-page CV, a cover letter and a reference letter. To upload in a single file in the “Appendices” section. Accepted file type: .pdf

2. Evaluation: The evaluation of the submitted projects will be done in 3 stages.

Step 1: Pre-selection

The jury will preselect 12 to 15 projects submitted according to the following criteria:

  • Adequacy with the themes and objectives of the DIM (50%)
  • Excellence of the profiles of the supervisors and the candidate (25%)
  • Scientific quality of the proposed thesis subject (25%)

Step 2: Grading

The preselected projects will be evaluated by experts chosen by the jury according to the following criteria:

  • Previous scientific achievements of both teams (25%)
  • Scientific quality of the project (50%)
  • Excellence of the candidate's profile (25%)

Step 3: Ranking and Audition

The evaluated projects will be ranked and the first 4 candidates will be invited to a 30-minute audition, between June 17 and 27, where the jury will validate the candidate's knowledge of the selected project. A waiting list is established in the event that at least one application is ultimately not accepted following the audition.

3. The results will be validated by the DIM BioConvS Steering Committee and announced before June 30, 2024.




The beneficiary undertakes to cite the Île-de-France Region and the DIM BioConvergence for Health in any publication where experiments were carried in the framework of the funded project, by adding the following wording to the acknowledgments section:

 “This work has been supported by Region Île-de-France in the framework of DIM BioConvS”

Communication obligations

The Region's logo must appear on all information and communication and/or event media relating to the supported project, whether printed, digital or audiovisual.

Visibility of regional support will be achieved by placing stickers with only the Region logo. The stickers will be provided by the regional services.

Management of GDPR data

DIM BioConvS undertakes to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), i.e. all the rules relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data , the free movement of this data and the right to the protection of this data.

Applicants to this call for projects authorize DIM BioConvS to process personal data collected during submission, for the purposes of processing their application. The data collected will be kept for the duration of the selection of the winning projects and shared with the staff of the establishment carrying the DIM (Université Paris Cité) in charge of the smooth running of this call for projects and with the jury of the call for projects. project, composed of researchers from the DIM BioConvS network (French or international), members of the DIM BioConvS ComEx, and those responsible for piloting the DIM BioConvS in the Île-de-France Region. If a grant is awarded, the winners' data will be kept until December 31, 2026.

At any time, it will be possible to contact the manager of the DIM BioConvS ( to request the deletion of their own personal data.



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