DIM BioConvergence for Health – Call for projects 2024 / Doctoral grants in Biotherapy, Bioproduction, Synthetic Biology

BioConvergence for Health (BioConvS) is a “Major Research and Innovation Domain” (DIM) initiative of the Ile-de-France Region which aims to structure the communities of synthetic biology, biotherapy and bioproduction, to support the transition from scientific excellence to innovation, and position the Île-de-France region as an international reference in the field.

BioConvS is led by Université Paris Cité in partnership with Sorbonne Université, Institut Curie - PSL, Institut Micalis (INRAe, AgroParisTech, Université Paris Saclay), INSERM, Généthon, Génopole and other partners. BioConvS brings together actors from the public and private sectors and benefits from €12.5 million in support from the Ile-de-France Region. More details on the DIM BioConvS at: https://bioconvs.org/

About the call

This call will finance four doctoral grants on projects linked to one of the themes of the DIM BioConvS:

  • Life sciences engineering and bioproduction
  • Development of evidence of therapeutic principles
  • New high-throughput and standardizable analytical methods
  • Digital or AI tools to improve data analysis or modeling in quality control and production methods
  • Guarantee an inclusive, responsible and sustainable Bioconvergence

It is open from February 12 to April 22, 2024. Only theses supervised by at least two teams (the second team can be a company) located in Ile-de-France are eligible for this call.

Additional teams can participate in the project to provide additional specific expertise without geographical limitation. Teams outside the Ile-de-France region will not be funded.

As indicated above, start-ups and companies from the Ile-de-France region can also be associated with the project but will not be funded as part of this call. Participation in a company’s project will be a plus.

Projects must be written in English, but a summary in French is required.

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